In 2022, François Callu Mérite, gallery owner and eminent art dealer, chose to entrust his library to the Musée du Niel, which represents thirty years of research and collection relating to the artists and the exhibition of their work.

292 general works on the history of art of the second half of the 20th century and artists' monographs, 862 exhibition catalogs, 347 specialized magazines (L'Œil, Réalités nouvelles, Connaissance des arts, Quadrum, Phases, Art d'aujourd'hui, Cimaise...)

Musée du Niel - Block 02
Musée du Niel - Block 04

Revue L’Œil, octobre 1958, fonds documentaire musée du Niel 2023

Musée du Niel - Block 03

Revue Preuves, septembre 1959, fonds documentaire musée du Niel 2023

It is an exceptional resource that the Musée du Niel is committed to preserve and open to researchers who participate in the understanding of this artistic period.

François Callu Mérite

"When I opened my gallery on rue des Beaux-Arts in 1987, I was dedicated to rediscovering a period of French creativity extremely active in the 50's and 60’s, but unfortuntanely overshadowed by American abstraction very successful at that time. To my great satisfaction, the spotlight has returned to painters like Jean Bertholle, Maria Manton, Gaston Chaissac, Georges Noël, Oscar Gauthier and so many others, who have definitively influenced the 20th century by their audacity and their capacity for invention."

François Callu Mérite
